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Lonely might be the most painful word there is. A word that has no prejudice. It doesn’t care if you are white or black. It doesn’t care if you are young or old, rich or poor. You could be surrounded with a lot of people or no one at all. It could take you without any warning, and when it does you would know. You might ask what is it? It's a feeling that you feel when you feel that you need someone to hold you in their arms, and no one is around to hold you. When you feel that you need to talk to someone, and there’s no one around to listen to what you are saying. When you are crying and there isn't anyone there to dry the tears from your face. It's a silent killer that could kill before your eyes. It could hold you hostage in it's world and it may make you think there’s no way for you to get away. But there is a way out, just reach out and take hold on life and take charge.
September 22/1992
07/19/2008 mjg Ó2003 carmelo gonzalez webmaster@carmelogonzalez.com www.CarmeloGonzalez.com
Last up dated on 07/19/2008