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National Council on Disability Makes Transportation Recommendations for People with Disabilities 6/13/2005 2:02:00 PM To: National Desk and Transportation Reporter Contact: Mark S. Quigley of the National Council on Disability, 202-272-2004 or 202-272-2074 TTY WASHINGTON, June 13 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The National Council on Disability (NCD) today released its report The Current State of Transportation for People with Disabilities, stating that improvements have been made in transportation for people with disabilities, but more remains to be done. The report was developed with the input of individuals with disabilities and transportation professionals from around the country. The purpose in undertaking this project was to develop a better understanding of access to transportation and mobility for people with disabilities, including access to traditional public transportation systems, private transportation services, alternative transportation initiatives, and the pedestrian environment; to identify transportation barriers as well as promising practices and models; and to develop recommendations in keeping with the goals of President Bush's New Freedom Initiative to "expand transportation opportunities for people with disabilities." According to Lex Frieden, NCD chairperson, "There have been many advances in America's transportation systems and services for citizens with disabilities, particularly since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The U.S. Department of Transportation and the nation's public transportation industry are to be applauded for their part in bringing about this progress. However, research reveals that many barriers to transportation continue to exist that prevent the full inclusion and full participation of people with disabilities in society." The report highlights industry best practices and successful initiatives that can serve as models for communities for enhancing transportation and mobility for people with disabilities. This report also sets forth a variety of recommendations for service improvements and for additional research that will lead to greater options for the 6 million Americans with disabilities who have difficulties obtaining the transportation they need to live independent and productive lives. Media questions should be directed to Mark Quigley at 202-272- 2004 or 202-272-2074 (TTY).
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Last updated on 07/19/2008